55+ Volunteer Management

Part of AmeriCorps Seniors, Central Iowa RSVP (CIRSVP) is a dynamic National Service Program serving Story, Marshall, Webster, and Hamilton Counties in Iowa. Established in 1973, it has proven to be a highly effective volunteer management organization, adapting programming over the years to meet emerging community needs and changing demographics.
CIRSVP offers adult volunteers aged 55+ quality opportunities to share their skills, interests, and life experiences in response to a wide variety of community needs. CIRSVP recruits and places volunteers with over 80 public, non-profit, and health care agencies. For these organizations, CIRSVP staff process volunteer requests, promote volunteer needs, recruit and refer volunteers, and follow up on volunteer placements.
CIRSVP collaborates with many of these agencies to provide volunteer management support in addressing identified priority community needs (literacy and education, public safety, services to frail elderly and/or low income families, disaster preparedness, etc.). CIRSVP volunteers cannot replace paid staff, but instead provide valuable support that enhances or supplements the services of an organization.